Wow...Have I been horrible at blogging or what!!! Guess it is time to catch up.
A couple weeks ago, we had a fun, girl's only day to Amish Country. Nothing better then a good day of shopping (especially when it includes good fabric shopping) and yummy, yummy food!!! Reese had a blast since she had Mamaw and Maga all to herself. I tried (with little success) to get a good picture of Reese with Mamaw and Maga. This was as good as I could get.
Hmmm....not having much fun with this picture taking thing!
Reese had a blast "swinging"
Ready ONE......
Best part of the day :)
I even lucked out and got a decent picture of Reese and I!
Hmmm....I think this was the best day ever!!!
Thanks for spending
such a fun day with us
Mamaw & Maga!!!!!
The outfit turned out great!! And I love that "THREE...Wheeee!" picture!! Childhood at its best! :)