I have been getting request from some family members for a Christmas list. Yes, Christmas is still three months away, but we like to get a head start around here. I started to think of things I need, but also of things I would love to have but wouldn't buy for myself....isn't that part of Christmas :) This all got me thinking of the "want" to re-do our bedroom. I started browsing to see if anything stuck out in the hopes I could add it to my Christmas list and that (fingers crossed) Santa will deliver. I found this quilt while browsing....aka drooling....on Pottery Barn's website. Can I just say that I am in love!!!! It is the quilt on the left.

Here is a closer view of it.

I also would love to add some home-made pillows to the matching pillow shams. Again, so many fabric and color options! I think a nice hand embroidered scripture pillow would be lovely (can you tell I am jelous of the little peanuts room...hehe).
Our night stands and dressers are nice stained oak and in great condition, so there would be no change there. But, I really really want a headboard. I have been wanting Lee to make me one for a long time, but I am pretty sure that will not happen anytime soon. I even showed him the farm house bed plans from Ana on Knock-Off Wood numerous times! Or even this simple headboard made from one of Ana's plans. As I said before, buying a headboard to match the other furniture pieces is out of the quiestion. So, I started to think of options I had. I am sure I saw the idea somewhere before, but using an antique panel door turned on it's side with crown molding added to the top popped into my head. Here are a few examples I found.

I love love love that quilt too! And that first picture of the door headboard is my favorite. Yellow is such a gorgeous color, go for it! My kitchen will making the switch to yellow as soon as I can find the time. I hope you get your quilt and that new sewing machine you want too. :)
ReplyDeleteLOVE the yellow door headboard!!! Fingers crossed you find a really fun door to re-do...and that Santa sees how good you've been all year and brings you that new sewing machine *wink*