Christmas time this year has been so much fun. Reese is starting to understand what is going to take place Christmas morning. She has also been having so much fun finding out what Christopher Pop-In-Kins new hiding spot is each morning. She has also really enjoyed taking a star off of our Christmas tree calendar each morning. She takes one off and gets so excited....because she only has "____" number of days until she gets her Rapunzel dress (her number one request for Christmas this year). I also love listening to her sing all the fun Christmas songs. My favorite though is when she sings "Happy Birthday" to baby Jesus. Makes this Mama's heart melt! We have been busy busy here at our house....well, I have been really busy! But, we have managed to have some fun during this busy season. We had so much fun getting together with some of my mom's family for a nice, casual Christmas get together. It was nothing fancy, but was so nice to relax, talk and especially to laugh with everyone!!! Here is Reese modeling the Christmas out fit I made for her.
And of course, we can't have a Christmas party without Santa. We are so lucky to have a Santa in our family...Uncle Darrell!!!HoHoHo......
Reese made sure she let Santa know she is expecting a Rapunzel dress on Christmas morning. She has been obsessed with her ever since Maga & I took her to see Tangled a few weeks ago.
Someone please enlighten me on when we will be able to get a good family picture again!!! It is pretty much impossible these days!!
Thanks so much Uncle Darrell for going out of your comfort zone and giving the kids (big and small) so much enjoyment!!! I also let Uncle "Santa" know how special he is. Reese was not in the least bit afraid or cautious of him......The mall Santa was a completely different story. He was a little strange looking though
We also had so much fun taking Reese to see Disney On Ice. Reese talked about it for days and was so excited on the morning of the show. Some of the characters she was familiar with, but the ones she did know....she went nuts about. Of course Mickey and Minnie are always a hit with Reese.
BUT the one person she asked about over and over and over again.....The Little Mermaid. She was awe struck when Ariel made her appearance!
Of course, Rapunzel had to be in the picture too :)
Now onto wishing and dreaming about what Santa is going to bring us in THREE short days!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying this magical time of the year!!!