My computer has been broke for over 2 weeks now and is still not fixed...ugh!!! I have been running to the library or to my wonderful sister's house to check email...let me tell you, it's getting really old!!! Hopefully it will get fixed soon so I can get back to the blog world!I have been busy, busy and wanted to share a little. I had the opportunity to attend a weekend of sewing at a B&B my friend's mom has. It was my first night away from Reese since she was 5 months. Let me tell you, it was way overdue!! I was able to finish up some sewing for Reese's big girl room (more on that to come) and just chat with some old and new friends. The food that the owner of the B&B made was out of this world and in grand supply! I might have gained 5 pounds in the day and a half I was there (I didn't weigh myself thankfully), but it was worth it! I was up until almost 4:00am, so I can't say I had nice, long, restful night, but I so enjoyed myself. I was so caught up in the sewing and food that I completely for got to get my camera out :(
And even more exciting.....Reese's big girl room is in the process of getting a make-over!!!
Here is what her room looked like before we began. A nice shade of blue.....
Now a fresh shade a Pale Daffodil.....
Reese really wasn't into the whole painting thing (not that I blame her!), but I was able to get a shot of her helping daddy.Exploring her new, huge bed.....
She wasn't really sure what to make of her new room when she first saw it, but she warmed up quickly.My little peanut's first night in her big girl bed! She looked so little when I laid her down. The first night was a little rough, but she has adjusted sooo well. I am one proud Mama!
We still have to get her dresser and hang things on the wall. I will be posting pictures of her room when it is all finished (I am hoping that will be soon!)
We have also been enjoying the nice weather we are having. Reese is especially enjoying the trips to the park. Can you tell that she loves the swing!!! I think she asks to swing every time we get in the car. This is going to be a fun summer for our family!
And lastly, I am so excited for the next two days. I am finally getting the opportunity to go out of town over night alone with my husband. We are headed to Amish Co. to pick Reese's dresser up and to enjoy lots of shopping and food! I am hoping to post pictures when we get back. It is such a pretty place!